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Withdrawal of Connexions bus service 412 from Wetherby to York

Update: 17th March 2023 – BBC reports that the 412 Service has been secured through to 2025. You can read more on the BBC article here.

Update: March 2023 – York City Council have issued a tender for this service. We await the outcome.

Your Parish Council has been co-ordinating efforts with other Parish Councils along the route of the 412 bus service in order to create a stronger voice in efforts to retain this Service.

You may be aware that the service was due to end on 10th December 2022.


The following letter has been received from North Yorkshire County Council.

“We have been advised that Connexions Buses are wishing to withdraw their journeys on service 412 from 22 October owing to staff shortages.  Service 412 is operated commercially and the decision to withdraw or change the service is that of the operator, not the County Council.

To give some context, we spend £1.6 million across the whole of the County to support local transport services. Throughout the pandemic we have provided significant support to services, and many would been lost, including this one if not for financial support from NYCC and Department for Transport.

We are aware of the challenges being faced by operators due to reduced passenger numbers, increasing costs and staff shortages, however this is one route of over 70 that have been identified as at risk across the County.  As I am sure you appreciate it is impossible to support and retain all of them without significant additional funding.

We have only been advised of the intention to withdraw the service earlier this week and are working with our neighbouring authorities City of York Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority to explore what options are available to maintain some level of service for passengers. We hope to be able to update customers on the outcome of these discussions in the near future.”