Polling District Review
From NYC –
“North Yorkshire Council are required to carry out a consultation with North Yorkshire residents and stakeholders about the council’s proposal for the polling districts and location of polling stations in every parliamentary constituency in North Yorkshire. There are 888 polling districts under review.
We want to seek the views of the public on the proposals and, in particular, engage with seldom heard groups who have specific needs and may find it difficult to travel to/ access their local polling station. We also want to hear the views of elected representatives – NYC members, MPs and parish councils.
We are asking residents to view our proposals and give their views on them via an online survey available at www.northyorks.gov.uk/PollingPlacesReview or by completing a paper copy (available on request). Responses will be shared with the council’s elected members in December before the register of polling places is republished in February 2024.
The consultation goes live on Monday 16 October and runs for four weeks until Monday 13 November. As well as working with you, our trusted partners, we will be issuing a press release and advertising the consultation through our social media channels, website and email newsletter.
There are several ways residents can take part in this consultation
The online survey is hosted on the North Yorkshire Council website. The link to access it is www.northyorks.gov.uk/PollingPlacesReview
Paper Copy
A paper copy can be requested from the council’s elections team.
Residents and our partners can do so by emailing or calling the customer service centre on 0300 131 2131 and say Polling District Review when prompted.
Accessible formats of the survey are also available on request using the contact details above.”