Bickerton Speed Survey

The Parish Council are concerned about the speed of motorists travelling along the B1224 .  A survey was agreed with NYC, which took place over 7 days.   When this was received a copy was sent North Yorkshire Police for their comments, which are below :


Comment below from North Yorkshire Police regarding our survey:

“”Our road safety outcomes are determined in two main ways. Firstly, we collate the data involving killed and seriously injured collision statistics and use these to identify the main areas where we want to deploy our Safety Camera Vehicles. These “KSI” routes make up the majority of the main roads across North Yorkshire and we would look to deploy the most to the locations with the highest number of collisions and then vary this accordingly as we look at the statistics for the other roads across the county. Secondly, there are roads that are highlighted to us via our Speed Management Protocol process. This is a process whereby members of the public can submit a concern about roads in their area, speed data will be gathered and an appropriate response put in place. Roads with a relatively high speeding problem will be referred to the Safety Camera team for Enforcement or to the Highways Agency to recommend an engineering outcome. Roads with a relatively low / no speeding problem will be referred to the Community Speed Watch scheme. For all of the information collated as part of these two processes, we use both the mean speeds and 85th% speeds as you have gathered below. In order for us to implement an Enforcement outcome with the Safety Camera Vehicles, we would be looking at either the mean or the 85th% speeds (or both) to be breaching our enforcement threshold of 10% + 2mph across the relevant speed limit.

For Bickerton and the B1224, this was highlighted to us through collision statistics collation and as a result, we have a number of Safety Camera Vehicle locations along the entirety of the B1224 within North Yorkshire borders running approximately from the A1(M) to the A1237. Three of these Safety Camera locations are in and near to Bickerton itself and looking at the deployment history for these three locations throughout 2024, I can see the following data:

Site 1 – 17 visits, 31 offences, 23 of which were in Speed Awareness Course criteria

Site 2 – 16 visits, 14 offences, 11 of which were in Speed Awareness Course criteria

Site 3 – 14 visits, 1 offence in Speed Awareness Course criteria

You can monitor this yourself via our public facing data log available on the North Yorkshire Police website on the following link: Safety Camera Deployment | North Yorkshire Police

If you feel that there is a specific speeding problem at a particular time or day of the week that isn’t already being addressed through the presence of the Safety Camera vehicles, then please let me know and I can look to adapt our deployment strategy and incorporate alternative times.””

The Parish Council will be looking at any other options that might help slow down the traffic on B1224.